Olduvai Man and The Cradle of Mankind Controversy

Louis Leaky with the olduvai skulls (left). Hans Reck (middle). Michael Cremo's Forbidden Archeology book cover (right). This image has been used under fair use provisions.

Trying to dig up controversial claims on the origins of mankind is akin to opening a can of worms. At stake is our own history and there are 3 ferociously opposing views. The Story of Oldoway Man Lets take the case of the discovery of Olduvai Man (also known as Oldoway man), in 1913, by Prof.… Continue reading Olduvai Man and The Cradle of Mankind Controversy

Olduvai Gorge Finger – Questioning Human Origins

Researchers recently discovered of a >1.8 million-year-old little finger. They published their findings in the prestigious Nature Communications Journal. Interestingly, on extensive analysis and comparisons with known species, this bone was found to fall within the Homo Sapiens (modern man) category. However, as the bone is dated to be >1.8 million years old in their discussion,… Continue reading Olduvai Gorge Finger – Questioning Human Origins

Can You Know The Future? Scientific Evidence Confirms You Can!

Logical people and the scientific community have been scoffing at Psychics, Astrologers, Tarot readers, Palm readers and all other types of so called future seers, for quite some time now. As far as we know time only flows in one direction. It would be awesome however if we were able to know the future before it… Continue reading Can You Know The Future? Scientific Evidence Confirms You Can!