Do You have Moral Principles Wired into Your Body ?

Morality has been a topic for philosophical, religious and scientific discussion. This current discussion is a quick philosophical and scientific perspective. People have claimed that morality is an illusion or a social construct. That there are no fundamental moral principles. That the moral principles are mostly social and cultural in origin and can be changed… Continue reading Do You have Moral Principles Wired into Your Body ?

Do AntiPsychotics Work? A Look At Scientific Research

Being a Psychiatrist you may assume I am naturally going to be biased favorably. However, you may be surprised to learn that is not always the case. A Meta-Analysis published in Molecular Psychiatry took a very thorough look at this matter and here I am presenting a quick critical review of this study [1] and… Continue reading Do AntiPsychotics Work? A Look At Scientific Research

Overpopulation and Limited Resources – Should We Impose Control?

Just watched the movie ‘What happened to Monday (2017)’ on Netflix. It had some very interesting themes especially focusing on the crisis of human overpopulation and the moral issues this raises. These themes are of course by no means new. Warning: The following contains spoilers. The movie is based on a dystopian future in the… Continue reading Overpopulation and Limited Resources – Should We Impose Control?

Brain Networks vs Galaxy Networks – More Evidence of Odd Similarities

When you look at microscopic pictures of neurons in the brain and telescopic pictures of the cosmic web there is a remarkable similarity which catches the eye. Astrophysicist Franco Vazza, along with a neuroscientist colleague of his, recently published an article in (July 2017) describing the strange similarities in the structure and complexity of the brain… Continue reading Brain Networks vs Galaxy Networks – More Evidence of Odd Similarities

Can You Know The Future? Scientific Evidence Confirms You Can!

Logical people and the scientific community have been scoffing at Psychics, Astrologers, Tarot readers, Palm readers and all other types of so called future seers, for quite some time now. As far as we know time only flows in one direction. It would be awesome however if we were able to know the future before it… Continue reading Can You Know The Future? Scientific Evidence Confirms You Can!

Do we even need our brains ? – Some Scientists aren’t so sure

Once during a discussion, a respectable someone (who I won’t name) suggested to me: “I believe the seat of the self is the heart. Not the brain!. I laugh at these scientific notions stating consciousness is in the brain. I believe in the future scientists will also accept the true seat of the self is in… Continue reading Do we even need our brains ? – Some Scientists aren’t so sure